Common Mistakes To Avoid if You Have Incontinence

Common Mistakes To Avoid if You Have Incontinence

Posted by Jeanne Lowry on Apr 19th 2024

Water bottle pouring water into a glass cup that is almost all the way full and about to overflow

Incontinence is a medical issue many people have to deal with. Like many other health conditions, those who have it tend to run into roadblocks and questions when first learning to manage it. If you are one of these people, there’s no need to worry. We’re here to cover some of the more common mistakes to avoid regarding incontinence. That way, you can handle this condition properly.

Reducing Your Fluid Intake

One of the biggest mistakes people make when dealing with incontinence is trying to reduce the symptoms by not drinking as much water. Many people think this issue occurs due to how much water they drink throughout the day—however, this is not true.

While cutting back might make it seem like your incontinence is improving, this action could worsen the condition. The root cause is still there, but your body just doesn’t have the fluid output to make the condition apparent. Along with this approach not remedying your incontinence, it can cause further problems such as a urinary tract infection. The bottom line is that you need to keep yourself hydrated, and you should talk to your doctor about approved methods of working on your incontinence.

Stressing About Others Finding Out

While it’s reasonable for some people to want to keep this part of their life secret from others, the stress of trying to hide the problem can overwhelm many people. While we’re not suggesting that you tell everyone you know about your medical condition, you should try not to worry so much about what people think. Those who truly care about you will understand what you’re going through.

Plus, manufacturers of incontinence supplies fully understand the desire to be discrete. They design their products in a way that makes them effective at handling the symptoms of incontinence while not being noticeable to an outside observer. Unless you choose to tell someone about your issue, they’ll likely be none the wiser.

Buying the Wrong Products

Another common mistake that those with incontinence should avoid is buying the wrong products for themselves. There are many ways to deal with this issue. Incontinence briefs and catheters are two of the more common products people use, but there are many different types in each category to choose from. To those new to buying them, it can be easy to mix these products up or buy the wrong type.

Be sure to talk with your doctor about which products will be best for you. Go over the details with them in depth to ensure you get the right products the first time. This measure will save you a lot of time and money in the long run.

Forgetting To Clean Yourself Thoroughly

Even though everyone knows how to clean themselves when they finish using the bathroom, those with incontinence may need to take additional steps. It’s crucial to thoroughly clean your private parts with incontinence cleansers when dealing with this condition. Skin in this area can become quite dry and even infected if not cared for properly.

Knowledge of this issue is key, though. Once you know that additional cleaning is necessary down there and why, you’ll be much more likely to remember in the future.