
Ten Celebrities With Incontinence

Ten Celebrities With Incontinence

Posted by Renee Reintzel on Jul 26th 2024

Nearly one in three adults in the United States live with incontinence, and another 33 million live with overactive bladder. Yet despite these high numbers, incontinence is often viewed as a sham … read more
Managing Your Ostomy in the Summer

Managing Your Ostomy in the Summer

Posted by Renee Reintzel on Jul 26th 2024

Ostomy Management in Warm WeatherManaging your ostomy during warm summer weather can pose certain challenges for ostomates, but don't let that deter you from enjoying the season.Are you wondering: " … read more
How to Manage Ostomy Ballooning

How to Manage Ostomy Ballooning

Posted by Paige Wooding on Jul 26th 2024

Ostomy ballooning is a common concern for many people with ostomies. It refers to the excessive accumulation of gas in the ostomy pouch, causing it to expand and potentially become uncomfortable.If … read more
Understanding Kegel Exercises

Understanding Kegel Exercises

Posted by Paige Wooding on Jul 24th 2024

Kegel exercises are a straightforward yet powerful method to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. Suitable for both men and women, these exercises can enhance bladder control, boost sexual satisf … read more
An Ostomy Product Guide for New Ostomates

An Ostomy Product Guide for New Ostomates

Posted by Renee Reintzel on Jul 13th 2024

Over the past two decades, ostomy product technology has improved significantly. With so many brands and types of products to choose from, knowing where to start can be overwhelming. Below is a gene … read more