5 Signs That It Is Time To See a Urologist

5 Signs That It Is Time To See a Urologist

Posted by Jeanne Lowry on Feb 20th 2023

5 Signs That It Is Time To See a Urologist

Not wanting to go to the doctor is common. However, while you should avoid going too often, it’s better to play it safe, especially if you have any discomfort or concerns about your health. If you experience any of the following symptoms, it could be a sign that it’s time to see a urologist.

Blood in Your Urine

One of the biggest issues that could arise that you should seek medical treatment for immediately is blood in your urine. This could signify several things, from a simple bladder infection to kidney or bladder cancer. Even though blood in the urine is usually a sign of one of the less life-threatening conditions, you should still get it checked out.

Pain During Urination

Something that often sends people straight to the urologist is pain while urinating. This is an unpleasant experience that people typically want to handle right away. More often than not, this is a sign of a urinary tract infection (UTI), but it’s always good to confirm it. Once you do, your doctor will be able to prescribe antibiotics to make it go away.

Trouble Controlling Your Bladder

An overactive bladder and urinary incontinence are conditions that can make people lose control over when they have to go to the bathroom. If you experience an inability to control your urine, a urologist can provide you with the tools and resources you need. They can confirm your condition and suggest products, such as hydrophilic intermittent catheters, to help you deal with the symptoms during your recovery.

Extreme Kidney Pain

One of the more obvious signs that it’s time to visit the urologist is extreme kidney pain. This almost always means you have a kidney stone. Kidney stones are not easy to pass on your own, but only in rare cases will you need to get surgery for removal. Either way, the pain you experience in your lower back from this should definitely send you to the doctor.

Lower Pelvic Pain

If you experience any pain below your kidneys in the lower pelvic area, this could be a sign of prostate inflammation or a problem with your bladder. The pain might not be as extreme as what kidney stones cause, but you should have a urologist check it out all the same. Pain isn’t something that you should ever ignore, especially when it concerns your urinary tract.