Three Tips to Prevent Stoma Noise(Post)

    How to Manage Your Stoma Noise and OdorAfter ostomy surgery, you might expect your entire digestive experience to change. Fortunately (or unfortunately), most aspects of digestion and elimination s ...

    An Ostomy Product Guide for New Ostomates(Post)

    Over the past two decades, ostomy product technology has improved significantly. With so many brands and types of products to choose from, knowing where to start can be overwhelming. Below is a gen ...

    Helpful Ostomy Accessories for Active Lifestyles(Post)

    Living an active lifestyle with an ostomy can seem challenging, but the good news is you can use helpful ostomy accessories for your active lifestyle that can make your days more comfortable and e ...

    How To Deal With Odors From Your Ostomy Bag(Post)

    Ostomy bags are an essential part of life for those who have undergone a surgical procedure that results in the creation of a stoma. Although these bags serve a necessary purpose in daily life, it’s ...

    How to Manage Ostomy Ballooning(Post)

    Ostomy ballooning is a common concern for many people with ostomies. It refers to the excessive accumulation of gas in the ostomy pouch, causing it to expand and potentially become uncomfortable.If y ...

    Slowing Down Ileostomy Output(Post)

    If you or a loved one have undergone ileostomy surgery, finding ways to slow down the output can significantly improve your quality of life. This article will explore natural remedies and medical int ...

    ​Is Incontinence a Sign of a Urinary Tract Infection?(Post)

    Urinary incontinence is a common sign of a urinary tract infection. A urinary tract infection, or UTI, is an infection inside your urinary system. The urinary system consists of urethra, bladder, u ...

    What To Know About Going To Work With an Ostomy Bag(Post)

    Going back to work after any surgery can be challenging, but if you recently underwent an ostomy procedure, things will be a bit different for you upon your return. The reason for this has less to do ...

    Ostomy Care: How To Properly Drain Ostomy Pouches(Post)

    When it comes to ostomy care, there are many choices people can make regarding the type of bag they want to use. Despite the number of options available, those with active lifestyles tend to le ...

    Managing Your Ostomy in the Summer(Post)

    Ostomy Management in Warm WeatherManaging your ostomy during warm summer weather can pose certain challenges for ostomates, but don't let that deter you from enjoying the season.Are you wondering: ...

    Advice on How To Adapt to a Life With an Ostomy Bag(Post)

    An ostomy surgery can be a life-changing experience for many individuals. While it might not always be the easiest transition, getting used to the changes is necessary to maintain your health, both p ...

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